Tag: tastes

- di Brunella Ponzo

My tastes from Italy: Calabria & Basilicata

CALABRIA Nei tempi antichi la Calabria era una colonia greca, all’interno della Magna Grecia. Resti archeologici di questo periodo sono coservati in musei belli e moderni. Per avere un’idea dei reperti archeologici classici, recatevi al Museo di Reggio Calabria, dove le favolose statue dei Bronzi di Riace sono esposte. Dalla Calabria alla Grecia ci sono solo due ore di barca a vela…ma è difficile lasciare la Calabria, così calda e calma, con spiagge di sabbia bianca lunghe e selvagge. La costa Est è poco frequentata e c’è poco da fare, a parte rilassarsi. Come nel deserto, non fate movimenti, chiudete gli occhi e fluttuate tra terra e cielo. ZUPPA DI FAVE 1 kg di fave fresche (oppure 800 g di secche) 1 pomodoro (o un barattolo da 125 gr di salsa) 200 g della vostra pasta piccola preferita 50 g di pecorino saporito grattugiato Cuocete le fave in acqua bollente, oppure mettete in ammollo quelle secche e fatele cuocere in…

- di Brunella Ponzo

My tastes from Italy: Calabria & Basilicata

CALABRIA In ancient times Calabria was a Greek colony, called Magna Grecia (big Greece). Artefaets from this period are housed in beautiful, modern museums. To see the best art of the classic Greek period, visit the Museum of Reggio Calabria, where the wonderful statues of “Bronzi di Riace” are displayed. From Calabria to Greece there is only two hours sailing. But, it is very difficult to leave Calabria, so warm and quiet with its clean and tourist-free sandy beaches! On the East coast these beaches are not organized and there is nothing to do, apart from relax. Like in the desert, don’t move, close your eyes, and float between land and sky. FAVE SOUP 1 kg broad beans 1 tomato 200 g of your favourite short pasta 50 g grated pecorino cheese (if you don’t have use parmesan) grated pepper Cook the broad beans in boiling water. When they are quite cooked, add sliced onions and sliced tomato. Cook for…

- di Brunella Ponzo

My tastes from Italy: Abruzzo, Molise & Marche

ABRUZZO & MOLISE ABRUZZO & MOLISE The Abruzzo-Molisana cuisine is the expression of ancient peasant traditions. For centuries chilli, called “red elf”, has been the king of every recipe. Pay attention to dishes you order in restaurants, even if the meal looks innocuous! People say that chilli’s fire heats the long winters. Have you seen another Land of Fire besides Patagonia? If not, visit Abruzzo and Molise. But red is not the only colour of these regions. Here also marvellous yellow saffron is grown. The third colour is green. The National park around the Gran Sasso Mountain teems wild life: bears, wolves, deers, otters and golden eagles. SPAGHETTI ARBUZZO MOLISANI 500 g spaghetti 1 onion 10 pumpkin flowers a pinch of parsley a pinch of saffron grated pecorino or parmesan cheese Brown the chopped onion in a large saucepan, while the pasta is cooking. Add cut pumpkin flowers and parsley, stirring for 5 minutes. Dissolve the saffron in a cup…