Fiera di Primavera in Fornaci Vecchia

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Dopo il successo dlle prime edizioni si terrà anche quest’anno la Fiera di Primavera sul tratto di via Provinciale che attraversa Fornaci Vecchia. Sono previsti tanti banchetti di generi vari per salutare l’arrivo della bella stagione

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  1. Re: Giornaledibarganews vuole crescere e diventa “premium”. Lettera aperta a tutti i lettori
    I’m not sure how helpful it is to bring in Facebook. People who use Facebook – I’m not one of them, and nothing in the world would induce me to join – presumably do so because they get a benefit from it: I’d be surprised if anyone who wanted to use Facebook decided not to simply out of a reluctance to enrich Mark Zuckerberg. I would simply make the point that I’m happy to pay a subscription to Giornaledibarganews to keep it in operation because it provides a good and valuable service and because without it it would be so much harder to have an idea about what’s going on in our area. I find it hard to see that GdBN is a substitute for or in competition with Facebook.
    I have to say that I find the idea of paying individually per article profoundly offputting. Quite apart from the fact that it’s a hassle, it could create perverse journalistic incentives. And, above all, I think the idea undermines the role of the competent newspaper team. It should be their job to produce a journal (albeit online) that provides a well-rounded package. Not every article will be of interest to everybody. But there should be enough articles of general interest to sustain a broadly-based readership and that sense of a real local community that so many of us prize. So long as the team do that I’m happy to support them: and in that sense I’m happy to pay for some articles that I myself have no particular interest in reading. Once you start chopping up the product into pay-per-article I fear that that sense of community will start to be lost

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