Live in Barga 2016 – festa del Centro Storico


Music and festivals in the antique Castle

Live in Barga better known as “Festa delle Piazzette” or “Festa del Centro Storico” is a must for everyone.

Eleven days of gastronomy, music, entertainment, artistic and important cultural events dedicated to this festival held in the historical centre of Barga. A festival that has changed its look in the past years by improving the standards of proposals to become one of the most popular summer events in the Serchio Valley. Every year thousands of visitors flock here to take part in this high quality festival organised by the Town Hall and Pro Loco.

Many squares in the historical centre will be dedicated to gastronomy with plenty of high quality live music.

During the “eleven day” festival there will be around forty concerts in various squares like Piazzale del Fosso, Piazza Annunziata, Piazza Angelio, Piazza Salvi, Terrazza Stanze della Memoria, Orto della Misericordia).

In LiveInBarga there will also be many other events starting from the literary festival “Tra le righe di Barga” organised by Prospettiva Editrice and Libreria Poli from 14th to 17th of July (Piazza Salvo Salvi, Volta dei Menchi, Via Giovanni Pascoli) with the partecipation of famous Italian writers.


Historical Centre

14 to 25 July


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