Christopher Bell exhibitions


Christopher Bell Grenfell Tower Where are we now? This installation has been made in response to the tragic destruction of Grenfell Tower in London. On the 14th June 2017 a fire was reported at the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of public housing flats in North Kensington, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, West London, England leading to 40 fire engines and more than 200 firefighters tackling the blaze. It took until the following day to get it under control, with the fire affecting most floors of the building and destroying 151 homes, both in the tower and surrounding areas. It caused at least 80 deaths and over 70 injuries. A definitive death toll is not expected until at least 2018. The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn has said that the deadly Grenfell fire sent “a terrible message” to the world about the UK’s levels of social inequality and would prove to be “a turning point in the national consciousness” I had been making large images on paper using acrylic and charcoal for a number of years with no particular desired outcome. These images were drawn out from the unconscious using the Surrealist method called Automitism. As a human being in the world the resulting images mirror events that were effecting me at that time. I have attempted not to be too clever with the making of these images in an illusionary manner but to to keep as faithful as I could to the moment of creation. The destruction of the Greenfly Tower so moved me I just had to make a statement about it . The gallery space is used as a vehicle for the Tower with its windows and doors and floor. Masking tape being used to construct the feeling for the Tower structure and to hold the images and text. This masking tape acts as a pathway on the journey through the space with written statements on from the survivors and politicians at the time. The viewer is invited to make their own links between the word, words and the image.The images on the floor can be walked on or not which encourages the viewer to think on their experience. It is not a comfortable journey. My intention is to prod the view to ask questions on the nature of their reality and to think on the lives of others.

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