Auguri, Leandro


The Comune of Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Lucca has honoured Cavaliere Avv. Leandro Franchi with a special award in recognition of his business efforts and talents abroad. This award was created in order to give recognition to the important link which unites Castelnuovo with all their citizens who now live abroad. Every year a person will be chosen from the AIRE (Anagrafe degli Italiani Residenti all‘Estero) database who, in living abroad has promoted Castelnuovo.
Leandro is the first recipient of the new award which was made for his important role as Honorary Italian Consul for Glasgow and surrounding areas, and for his dedication in his profession as a solicitor in Glasgow. His efforts in strengthening the link between Castelnuovo and the Italian/Scottish community were also recognised.
The presentation took place on 23rd December 2008 in the Sala Consiliare della Rocca Ariostesca in Castelnuovo. All of Leandro’s family and many friends attended. Many congratulations!

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