Grazie Mille


The inaugural CoCAIS Befana event was a soaraway success – so much so that plans are already being made for next year’s event!Almost 100 children pre-registered for the event at Scotland Street School Museum in Glasgow, met the Befana, received a gift bag with a gift appropriate to their age and gender, a selection box of sweets, a Befana colouring book (produced by Silvia Strommer) and colouring pencils . While the children were entertained by a DJ and a clown, played party games and caught up with friends and relatives, the adults enjoyed a brindisi and a splendid buffet.
We would like to thank Adriano De Marco, Paul Verrico, Ronnie Convery, Silvia Strommer and Sandro Sarti of the CoCAIS committee for many hours of preparatory work and helping make it all happen on the day!
Thanks also to the COMITES and the CoCAIS for subsidising the cost of the event – keeping the cost down to just £5 per child; to Italian Language schools – Luigi Pierotti, Evelina Renucci and Louise Biagini for their support and advice
Thanks to La Befana herself (also known as Fiona Macdonald!) to Shafer Entertainment for providing the DJ Willie & Cheeko the Clown (Tommy Templeton); Fratelli Sarti for providing the buffet at a reduced cost; Quattro Stagioni for providing the prosecco at a reduced rate; Cacao, Milngavie for providing sweets for the children; Caledonia Lock & Safe Co. Glasgow, for the loan of the bottle safe; Scotland St School & The Glasgow Girls for their help on the day and the use of such a wonderful venue; Fiona Stewart -Adriano De Marco`s secretary – for her invaluable administration assistance; Zelinda & Giulia De Marco for their assistance in selecting toys for the children; Anthony Convery for his help on the day; all the children , mums, dads, Nonni and Nonne who made the day such a success
Please check out the website for photos of the event (leave messages and photos tab)

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