Italian Sunday


To raise funds for the above project a large-scale event is planned for Troon Town Hall on Sunday February 1st. Thanks to the collaboration of Aldo Cecchini of Ayr and Ardrossan, there will be places for 300 for an afternoon and evening of food, music and dancing. Music will be kindly supplied by the
ever-popular Angela and Paolo and tickets will cost just £15. They can be obtained throughout January from either of the Cecchini restaurants in Ayr or Ardrossan or from the Archdiocese of Glasgow
The low price is intended to allow family groups (adults and children) to come along and enjoy some traditional Italian food, company and entertainment, and it is anticipated that the Mayor of Barga, Umberto Sereni will make his last visit as mayor to the event and Archbishop Conti will also be a guest of honour. Venite numerosi!

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