Italian monument and garden


The efforts to create a new Italian garden and monument in the cloistered area beside St Andrew’s Cathedral continue. Early in the new year it is
expected that details will be announced of the level of grant-funding from the statutory authorities. Work is already underway to prepare the Piazza area around the Cathedral and garden.
Fund raising is now essential. In a special message, Archbishop Conti writes:
“Already I have invited and received individual donations and support, while funding applications are presently lodged with Historic Scotland and the Heritage Lottery Fund. In addition I have been to Italy to seek support from some of the institutions there.
“My thought now is to ask you, the various Italian Associations in Scotland to consider how, as a group you might assist the effort to create this special monument and garden. Could I ask that you consider at a forthcoming meeting whether you might be able to arrange some fundraising activity? Perhaps a dance or a raffle, a sponsored event or a sporting event, whatever you feel would be most appropriate to help raise funds for the project?
“I am asking each of the Associations in Scotland to play a part in making our dream a reality. Please consider how you might assist in this effort.”
More information from Cav Ronnie Convery, on 0141 226 5898 or

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