Date for the diary


To support the plans to build an Italian Memorial Garden next to St Andrew’s Cathedral, an Italian night for all the family is to be held at Troon Town Hall on Sunday February 1 2009. Tickets will cost just £15, allowing families to come along en masse. 300 tickets will be made available and are likely
to be snapped up fast. Angela and Paolo will be on hand to provide great musical entertainment, and the Mayor of Barga, Umberto Sereni, will be making his final visit to Scotland before leaving office. The event has been put together thanks to the generosity of restaurateur Aldo Cecchini, and tickets will soon be available from either of the Cecchini restaurants (Ayr and Ardrossan Harbour) or from the Archdiocese of Glasgow. Please keep the date free for a Sunday of good food, good company, good music and all for a good cause!

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