Italian conversation class


Unitre Barga, now in its fifth year, is organising an Italian Conversation Class for the many foreign residents in Barga that need to learn to comunicate and socialise using everyday Italian. The class will be held by an expert teacher on a Tuesday afternoon from 5.30 to 6,45 pm (17,30-18,45) at the Unitre school in Viale Cesare Biondi 15. There will be an introductory lesson on Wednesday 9th November at 6 pm (18.00). The course is open only to Unitre Barga members with a basic knowledge of Italian for a maximum of 12 students

You can enrol at Unitre Barga every Wednesday from 4.30 to 6.30 pm (16,30-18,30) in Viale Cesare Biondi 15 or for info contact –357 2590283 (English speaking) after 6pm (18.00).

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